Panagbenga 2011

Panagbenga festival which is celebrated every month of February in Baguio city. It showcases the unique culture of the city. It is one of the most colorful festival in the Philippines! It draws both local and foreign visitors in the "City of Pines" eager to witness the colorful procession, of the multinued costume worn by locals, mimicking the various blooms of the highland region. ( or its ethnic tribes)  these are the flower beads disguised ofcourse as the ''Panagbenga floats".

 Last February 25-27, 2011, me and my College friends went to Baguio, for there annual Panagbenga   Festival. It was a long trip but all worth it when we saw the fluvial flower parade, street dancing and lots of fun activities. Im looking forward for another awesome experience at Panagbenga 2012.
 Panagbenga Banner

Flower Parade

 Guess who's there?

 Camp John Hay's Pine trees

Lourdes Grotto

 Mountainous view

 Lourdes grotto's bird's eye view

Me with my friends


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